Thursday, April 25, 2013

The beginning...

"My Journey" with Fertility Specialists began is February of 2010. I had 2 unsuccessful IUIs with donor sperm and my Dr at that point suggested he take a look to see what was wrong considering my blood tests were normal. I had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy in July on 2010 which showed my Fallopian Tubes were blocked and for lack of a better word looks like sausages and were nubby. I would not be able to pass an egg that was growing  and would end up with an ectopic pregnancy.

His suggestion was to start injections and do IUI again.  Just for the record my insurance company doesn't pay a single penny for any of this. He told me that this was not guaranteed and there was a possibility it wouldn't work that I could move straight to IVF. I made an appointment to sit and chat with his nurse.

After a 2 hour visit , she went over all the medications, she showed me how to inject myself and showed me a video how to use the vaginal suppositories. It all went well informative and I was happy I spent the time there.   She recommended I sit down with the financial  planner so I spent another 2 hours with the planner. She went over the cost of every medication, of every visit, ultrasound, blood test and came up with a whopping $35,000.00. Are you ready for this? It had to be PAID IN FULL before I started anything. CASH because they charged a credit card fee. I asked about financing, loans , grants. They accepted nothing. So I put my head down, my tail between my legs and said thank you I will be in touch and went on the next 2 years accepting the fact that unless I hit the lotto, was left a heft inheritance or married a millionaire  I would never have a family. I spent my savings, went to Disney (2xs) bought a new truck, a laptop and iPad   a $3000.00 camera and just kept buying shoes... and more shoes and more shoes..

Cousins had babies, friends had babies and I was convincing myself and everyone, I don't want any of that. I enjoy the single life. Spending money on me!.. enjoying my alone time! and spending more money on me!! Behind the scenes I was researching new Drs, loans, grants, treatments.  In August of 2012 I found New York Fertility Services. Their entire website spoke about LOW COST IVF and the success rate was outrageous. So I called the office and made an appointment to go in Sept right before my birthday. I met with the doctor, had a trans vaginal ultrasound and was sent for many blood tests. Before the Dr left the room he told me that he would make sure that I was able to put a tattoo on my leg of a big fat baby! 

For once in 2 1/2 years I actually felt that this could be real. So I followed through, had all the blood tests and then Hurricane Sandy hit and delayed the next step which was the fluid ultrasound. The savings account went to fixing the basement, having to relocate for 2 months and just basic things around the house to make sure we were back on track before the holidays. In January I went for the fluid ultrasound and everything was fine. No abnormal  no blockages , a clear direct path which is what we were hoping for. I was sent for more blood tests and those were perfect as well. I had to see my GYN for my 6 month check up and papsmear was abnormal, so that delayed me a week. I had to have a colposcopy and biopsies. Finally after another 2 week wait I was cleared and started the IVF Cycle. 

Fast Forward to the CYCLE - 
On March 8th  I started BCPs and Prenantal Vitamins.
On March 21st - Dexamathasone along with Lupron 10 units in the am. 
On March 28th - Lupron decreased to 5 units.
On April 2nd - Gonal F 300 units along with Lupron 5 units.
On April 4th - Gonal F 225 along with Menopur 1 vial. 
On April 11th - Ovidrel - trigger shot  (NO MORE INJECTIONS!! YAY)
On April 13th -  Egg retrieval. 11 eggs were taken, the next day only 7 made it. then we lost another 2 and on April 18th which was transfer day there was 4 eggs. 2 of which were implanted and 2 of which were frozen the next day. 

I started with Endometrin suppositories the night of retrieval and increased to 3x day on the 19th , on the 19th I also started with E2V 1mg/prog 50 mg suppositories which I've been on along with the Dexamathasone and prenatal vitamins. 

I am scheduled for my BETA test on Monday the 29th at 9am! 

I was feeling great until Tuesday. I woke up with headache, I was nauseous all day and had light tint of blood when I did the afternoon dose of endometrin and then light brown discharge after that. Yesterday I was pinkish fluid, not blood 2x. I emailed the nurse and she said its normal. The blood that I saw was because I am irritated from retrieval, implanting and almost 2 weeks of suppositories. She said it's all normal and not to worry. So I am doing that.. Trying not to worry but just before I had brownish discharge again. SO NOW I'm really worried and I may go buy HPT at Walgreen!


Okay so back to the finicnal part of this journey. 

I got a grant for $2500.00 for the procedure, I got $2000.00 for the medication and it cost me $17,000.00 total. I was able to make several payments but it had to be paid in full at my baseline appointment. The office was wonderful. The staff is amazing. My nurse is fantastic.  I am very happy that things didn't work out with the first Dr. I had a much better experience with NYFS.